Newspaper article from May 13, 2008, Courier: Monday's immigration raid at Agriprocessors was the result of almost eight months of investigation, according to U.S. Attorney Matt Dummermuth.
Newspaper article from May 13, 2008, Courier: Officials from a union attempting to organize workers at the Agriprocessors plant in Postville attempted to dissuade immigration officials from conducting a raid more than a week ago.
Newspaper article from May 12, 2008, Courier: A group of 50 or more people are gathered outside the gates of National Cattle Congress tonight in a peaceful vigil on behalf of those people detained at the Agriprocessors Inc. meat processing plant in…
Newspaper article from May 12, 2008, Courier: A group of 50 or more people are gathered outside the gates of National Cattle Congress tonight in a peaceful vigil on behalf of those people detained at the Agriprocessors Inc. meat processing plant in…
Virginia Gibbs, Professor of Spanish, Luther College, Luz María Ramírez Ede, Instructor Luther College will discuss their current book in process, Voices from Postville. This presentation was part of the conference Postville: Past, Present and…